We are looking for active & committed people as business partner of an E-commerce platform business opportunity to progress as Regional Distributor in 130 countries worldwide and establish New Business Investment Opportunity for a launch in 1st quarter of 2017 to the untapped vast market in India. 

This is to target launching of new market in India; and mutually working to expand the business portfolio. You will be guided with our proven process to achieve the
dream of passive income for life.

Scheduled training
Title: The Proven Road to 1 Million
Date: Jan 2017 (Every Wednesday)
Time: 7:00-9:30pm
Venue: TBC (approx. 5 min walk from MRT station) 

Seating capacity is 30pax. First come First serve basis. The golden opportunity with first mover advantage in India and subsequently globally. 
We welcome all who are interested & open to new ideas, friendship, and possibly business partnership. Please contact:-
Mobile - (65) 9792 7309 & (65) 9397 6700    or Email – [email protected]
Let’s ride the wave & grab the first mover opportunity with the new launch to India market


Jily Yeo

(Please say you found this ad on TOP-FREE-AD when calling)