
Dont be a Real Estate Agent unless

1/2/2015 – 299 views

Dear all,

Greeting to all during this festive period. In case you are contemplating a career switch in real estate as a property agent, its good to know that one can live a more comfortable lifestyle, plan your own schedule, enjoy more family time and take more holidays with loved ones. However, one must be prepare to deal with the challenges in this demanding market we are in now and be in control of our OURSELVES in order to succeed in this trade.

If you are willing for that leap of faith, I am most willing to accompany you on this arduous journey. Follow my footsteps in my transformation to top producer from an ordinary office worker.

Drop me a line +65 9353 0099 if you can see this and we can chat more.

"Remember opportunity waits for no one; you must be responsible for your own decisions and choices"

This phone call may be the most important one you make in life, aside from your marriage vows (hehe).

Happy Holidays!

PS - im not supposed to be here typing this as I'm on my holiday break this month... cheers and get in touch soon.

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