

30/4/2016 – 51 views

If you want to see the funny side of your face, get our Caricature package for
your event! Caricature is a way the artist will draw you but in a funny or
cartoonish way. You will be amazed on how you will still look beautiful, in an
artistically funny way. Surely, you and your guests will have fun and your party
will be filled with laughter.

You may also choose from our range of other fringe activities which include but
are not limited to the followng:

Digital Ipad Caricature
Chinese Calligraphy
Rainbow Calligraphy
Tarot Card Reading
Parrot Fortune Telling
Nail Art Booth
Makeup Booth
and more!!!

For more Party Parlour packages, please visit our website and contact us at:

Email: dianapartyparlour (at) gmail (dotcom)
Web: www.partyparlour.com.sg
Contact Numbers
Mon to Friday: 64920225
Whatsapp: 90230904
After office hours: 98286006

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