Join us as a distributor and business partner

Here is a Business Opportunity that supports you to become the best you can be, to achieve high financial goals, and to work from home or anywhere you choose.  It’s online, it’s global, it’s fun, and it has a proven, simple to follow method.

Requirements:  • A lap top  • Internet connection  • Phone  • The drive to create success

The Business Opportunity:  • Proven, easy to follow business model  • Ongoing training and support  • Leadership/Personal Development programme for continuous improvement  • A supportive community of like- minded people  

Successful business distributors have all kinds of backgrounds – trades, professions, franchise holders, students, stay at home mums and dads. Their common goal is to build a strong financial base for themselves and their families. 

If you are working harder & earning less than you wish, this new opportunity is for you.

If you open your mind to this opportunity & take massive action, guarantee your income will change.

We are looking for active people as business partner to market and progress as Regional Distributor and Business Partner of an E-Commerce platform in this region and throughout the World.

We need to warn you first that this need hard work and you are willing to work hard and the rewards is great, massive and best of all passive. I can guarantee that you will be rewarded handsomely.

Email your interest to [email protected] or [email protected]

go to or

Simply message us at 97927309 to find out more by attending our briefing as scheduled.

Title: Ideas to Progress & Succeed in Your Career & Life

Date: 17 Aug 2016 - 31 Aug 2016

Time: 7:00-9:30pm

Venue: TBC (approx. 3-5 min walk from Bukit Panjang MRT)

Let's shoot for the STARS!

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